Terms & Conditions

Effective Date: 12/4/2024

The visitors and users of our Website are sincerely requested to read carefully the following terms of use (hereinafter referred to as “Terms of Use”).

1. Agreement of use

These Terms of Use constitute a legally binding agreement which is formed between you, either as an individual or on behalf of an entity (“you” or “yours” or “visitor/user”), and Help a Stray also known as (hereinafter “Company” or “Organization” or “Individual”, “we”, “us” or “our”). These Terms of Use govern your access to our Website and its use at the following web address: help-a-stray.com, as well as the Mobile Application (hereinafter “Services”). The Company is registered in Greece and its registered offices are located in Athens.

2. Minor Users

These Services are not intended for minor users. If you are a minor, you must exit the Services. To remain in the Services, you need the consent of your holder of parental responsibility.

3. Modifications

These Terms of Use may be revised and updated at any time. The Company will publish the current version of the Terms of Use in order to keep you informed. Please make sure that you are aware of the Terms of Use that are in force by checking them every time you use our Services and on a regular basis, so that you are informed of any potential modifications. Your continuing use of the Services even after such changes implies your unreserved acceptance of the modified Terms of Use.

4. Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

Apart from the explicitly stated exceptions (copyrights of third-parties, partners and institutions) the Services include content which is intellectual property of the Company, who is the administrator of the Services and is protected by the respective provisions of Greek, EU and International Law. This content includes but is not limited to texts, images, designs, graphics, applications and provided services, as well as logos, company names, trademarks and features that belong to the administrator and/or the people cited on the Services as owners of the respective rights, all of which are protected according to the applicable legislation on intellectual and industrial property.

It is explicitly prohibited to use, copy, save, reproduce, re-post, transmit, disclose, download, translate or modify in any way a part of or all of the Services content.

Should you have any inquiries regarding the rights to reproduce any part of the Services content, as well as requests for permission to reproduce content, you can contact us at the following e-mail address: support@help-a-stray.com

5. User statements

By using the Services, you present and guarantee that:
1) All information provided by you for the purpose of registration is true, accurate, existing, and complete,
2) You will maintain the accuracy of your information and update it on time if necessary,
3) You have the legal capacity and agree to comply with these Terms of Use,
4) You are not under the age of thirteen (13),
5) You are not a minor in the jurisdiction in which you reside, or if you are, you have the parental consent required to use the Services,
6) You will not enter the Services through non-human and automated accounts,
7) You will not use the Services for any illegal or unauthorized purposes,
8) Your use of the Services will not violate any applicable law or regulation.

If you provide information that is untrue, inaccurate, non-existent or incomplete, we have the right to suspend or cease the use of your account and deny you partly or completely any current or future use of our Services.

6. User Registration

The creation of a username and/or password is not necessary to use the Website. However, in order to access and utilize the Mobile Application, users are required to create an account with Help a Stray. The Company reserves the right to ask users to set up an account, username, and password at its discretion and at a later date.

7. User responsibility

The Services must be used exclusively for legal purposes and in a way that does not restrict or impede its use by third parties. The user must comply with the rules and provisions of the applicable Greek, EU, and International Law and is obliged to use the Services in accordance with the law, the principles of morality and these Terms of Use. The user is obligated to abstain from any illegal and abusive behavior during and in relation to the use of the Services. The user is also responsible for any damage caused to the Company and/or a third party due to misuse or unfair use of the Services.

You understand and accept that the Company reserves the exclusive right to terminate the distribution of its content to the users/members that are believed by the Company to have violated the letter and the spirit of these Terms of Use. In case of significant damages, the Company may file a lawsuit against the user who caused them.

You are obligated not to use the Services to engage in actions which may result in criminal prosecution or the commencement of a civil or administrative procedure against the Company for acts that are indicatively, but not exhaustively, mentioned in the Criminal Code, in special criminal laws, in the legislation regarding personal data protection, in the legislation about telecommunications, as well as in the respective legislation of the EU, the Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission, the Hellenic Data Protection Authority, and of any other Public or Administration Authority and Service, as well as for actions that could potentially violate any right or other legitimate interest of the Company or of a third party.

The following is a non-exhaustive and indicative list of acts that are prohibited to the Services users:

- The consistent recovery of data or other content from the Services with the intent to create or compile, directly or indirectly, a collection, a database or a list without our written authorization in advance.

- Fraud, deception or misleading that is targeted at us or other users, especially as an attempt to retrieve sensitive account information such as passwords.

- Bypassing, deactivating, or interfering in any way with the security features of the Services, including settings that impede or restrict the use or copy of content of the Services.

- Defaming, tarnishing or otherwise harming, to our perception, our Company or our Services.

- The use of information retrieved from the Services with the purpose of harassing, abusing, or otherwise harming a third person.

- Inappropriate use of our support services or the submission of false reports of abuse or misconduct.

- The use of the Services in a way that is against the laws and regulations currently in force.

- Unauthorized access to the Services.

- Uploading (or attempting to upload) viruses, or Trojan Horse software or other material, including the extensive use of capital letters or spamming that interferes with the uninterrupted use and enjoyment of the Services by third parties, or modifies, obstructs, disrupts or interferes with the use, features, functions or maintenance of the Services.

- Automated use of the system, such as using scripts to send comments or messages, or using data phishing methods, robots, or similar tools to extract and compile data.

- Attempting to impersonate another user or using the username of another user.

- Uploading or transmitting any material that functions as a passive or active mechanism for information collection.

- Obstructing or interfering with or creating an unreasonable burden on the Services or the networks and services connected to the Services.

- Harassing, annoying, blackmailing, intimidating or threatening our employees or agents engaged in providing any part of the Services to you.

- Copying or updating any software on the Services.

- Decryption, decoding, disassembly or reverse engineering of any part of the Services software, unless permitted by law.

- Using a sales agent to make purchases from the Services.

- Unauthorized use of the Services.

- Using the Services as part of competitive actions against the Services or its content for any commercial use.

- Using the Services to advertise products or offer goods and services.

- Selling or otherwise transferring your account.

In any case, by your access and use of the Services, you agree that the exceptions and limitations of liability set forth in this document are fair and reasonable.

You are aware that the Company reserves the right to modify and/or discontinue temporarily or permanently a part or all of its services with or without notice to users, for serious reasons. Consequently, you acknowledge that there is no right of redress in any way against the Company or its administrators.

Finally, the Company has the right to remove, disable or restrict access to the material you submit, if it believes, in good faith and with good cause, that it violates the Terms of Use. For any disagreement with any such action by the Company, you may contact support@help-a-stray.com for further investigation.

8. User-published content

The Company provides the user with the possibility to publish content such as texts, images and videos in various parts of the Services. This content is and remains the sole responsibility of the user who posts it, who is the only one responsible for it.

Your use of the Services must be within the framework set by law, good faith and principles of morality and in a way that does not restrict or prevent its use by third parties. You must comply with the rules and provisions of Greek, EU and International law and refrain from any illegal and abusive behavior that may affect other users and cause damage to the Services.

In case of illegal or contrary to the present Terms of Use and the applicable legal framework, behavior, you are obliged to compensate the beneficiary for any damage caused as a result of the aforementioned actions.

You understand and accept that this information is published without prior control by the Services and that the Services administrator reserves the right to remove any content that you have published.

You understand and accept that by using the Services, you may be exposed to offensive, immoral or illegal content. Furthermore, you understand and accept that the Services cannot be considered to endorse or be held responsible for the content that you have published.

You understand and agree that the content you publish on the Services must:

- Not be illegal, offensive, insulting, pornographic, defamatory or racist.
- Not aim to defame or slander people, companies or organizations.
- Not interfere with the proper functioning of the Services.
- Not violate the privacy and personal data of third parties.
- Not infringe copyrights.
- Not constitute a criminal offense in any way.
- The publication must comply with the existing National, EU and International legislation.

In the event that a user becomes aware of content contrary to the above, the Company encourages them to contact in any way to report it. The content indicated by the user will be checked and, if necessary, removed.

The evaluation of the content published by other users, as well as the use of this content as information, is the sole responsibility of the user and, in no case, should any of the Services be held responsible for its correctness and usefulness.

9. Use of links to other websites

The Services may contain references to third-party websites and/or provide now or in the future the possibility of accessing third-party websites through links, hyperlinks and/or advertising banners, made by other individuals and organizations.

The placement of these links has been done with the sole purpose of facilitating users during their browsing on the Internet. The use of these links will be at the sole responsibility of the user of the Services, while the respective websites will be subject to their own terms of use, for which the Company is not responsible and has no connection.

The Company bears no liability and does not guarantee in any case for the content, the personal data protection policy, the correctness, legality, completeness, timeliness and/or accuracy or quality of services as well as the security of other websites interconnected with the Services through such links, nor for the servers through which the Services and other websites are made available to the user. The Company shall not be liable for errors or malfunction of the third-party websites, as well as for any damage caused to users from accessing and using the information, services and products provided through them.

Your connection to these external websites is at your own risk and in any case, you must directly contact the providers of these websites who are responsible for anything that may arise from their visit and use. The Services shall in no case be considered as endorsing or accepting the content or services of the websites to which it refers or being linked to them in any way.

10. Advertisements

The Services contain advertisements, as well as the display of other material with advertising content, purpose and nature. The Company shall not be liable against the users and, in general, against any third party that considers itself aggrieved for any unlawful act or omission, inaccuracy or failure to comply with the laws and regulations of any country or the EU in relation to the content of the advertisements.

The Company has no obligation to examine and does not examine the legality or otherwise of the advertising material displayed on the Services (apart from the obvious cases of infringement of legal rights that would be perceived by the average prudent citizen) and no liability can be attributed to it. This liability lies with the advertisers, sponsors and/or creators of the specific promotional material displayed, who are also liable to the user for their products/services as well as for the necessary guarantees, authorizations, registrations and markings of their products/services.

The Company bears no liability for the users' communication with the third parties that provide the advertised services and for any commercial transaction that may arise from the relationship between them.

11. Protection of Personal Data

The Company may collect and process personal data of the users of the Services in accordance with our Privacy Policy which can be found here: help-a-stray.com/privacy.

The Privacy Policy is an essential term and an integral part of these Terms of Use and is automatically accepted in its entirety upon your acceptance of these Terms of Use. Non-acceptance of the Privacy Policy is tantamount to non-acceptance of an essential term and brings results equivalent to the rejection of these Terms of Use, including the inability to use the Services.

You are hereby notified that these Services are hosted in Greece. In the event that you visit the Services from any other region of the world with laws that differ from the applicable laws of the country hosting our Services regarding the collection and use of personal data, then by your continued use of the Services, you are transferring your data to Greece and you consent to the transfer and processing thereof Greece.

12. Limitation of the Company’s Liability

The Company is working to ensure that all content and information appearing on the Services is, as far as possible, characterized by accuracy, clarity, correctness, completeness, timeliness and availability, but does not guarantee that the pages, services, options and contents will be provided without interruption and without errors, as well as that errors will be corrected. The Company also does not guarantee that the Company or any other related website or the servers through which they are made available to the user are provided free of "viruses" or other harmful components. The Company shall not be liable for any form of damage suffered by the user of the pages, services, options and contents of the Services which they enter on their own initiative and with knowledge of the Terms of Use.

Each user must take all appropriate security measures (e.g. antivirus programs, etc.) before any "loading" from the Services. You are responsible for accessing the services of the Services and such access may require the payment of fees to third parties (e.g. internet service providers, internet time charges). You are solely responsible for paying the relevant fees. Furthermore, you are solely responsible for the acquisition, protection and maintenance of their personal equipment with the necessary technological means to enable them to access the services of the Services.

Without prejudice and without affecting the exclusions and limitations of liability contained in these Terms of Use, no claim or action may be brought by any legal or natural person against the Company in respect of or in relation to this Services unless it is accrued and communicated in advance in writing to the Company.

13. Applicable Law and Other Terms

These Terms of Use, as well as any modification thereof, shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the law of Greece, the law of the European Union and relevant international treaties.

Any provision of the Terms of Use that is contrary to the law shall automatically cease to apply, without prejudice to the validity of the other terms.

The present Terms constitute the entire binding agreement between the Company and the user of the Services and their services.

14. Dispute Resolution

In the event of any dispute arising out of these Terms of Use, the parties agree that in order to resolve the dispute expeditiously and economically, they will attempt to negotiate informally for at least 90 days before commencing arbitration proceedings. Such informal negotiations shall be deemed to have commenced upon written notice from one party to the other. If informal negotiations are unsuccessful, the parties agree that the dispute will be submitted to arbitration to be decided by a registered arbitrator and in accordance with the Internal Rules of the relevant Arbitral Tribunal applicable at the time the dispute is submitted to arbitration. The seat of the arbitration shall be in Greece. The applicable substantive rules will be those of the law of Greece.

For the purpose of resolving a complaint about the Services or to obtain further information in relation to your use of the Services, please contact us at:

Help a Stray

For more information about the relevant topics, you can visit: https://tilderist.com/en/blog/